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Manual Osteopathic Therapy

What is Manual Osteopathic Therapy?

Manual Osteopathic Therapy is a holistic approach to pain relief and overall well-being. It involves a thorough examination of the body to identify any imbalances or dysfunctions that may be contributing to pain or discomfort. The therapist uses gentle, hands-on techniques to target these areas and restore balance. Many people experience immediate relief and improved mobility after a session. Manual Osteopathic Therapy aims to support the body’s natural healing processes and promote overall wellness.

What Can a Manual Osteopathic Therapist Treat?

Some of the conditions that can be treated by a Manual Osteopathic Therapist include headaches, arthritis, back pain, neck pain, sciatica, tennis and golfer’s elbow, foot, ankle, hip, and knee pain, neuralgia, hand, shoulder, and elbow pain, as well as problems with posture related to digestive issues, pregnancy, sports injuries, driving, or work strain. By utilizing specific manual techniques, a Manual Osteopathic Therapist can help alleviate these conditions and improve overall well-being.

What can I expect from a manual osteopathic session?

In your first session, you can expect to go over your health history with the MOT as well as having a discussion about what your needs are. An assessment will be done, which includes observation of posture and tests to determine where treatment will be most indicated. With the remaining time, a treatment will be given. In subsequent appointments, there will be a brief assessment (in order to see what changes have occurred and again, to guide the process), and more time will be spent on treatment, which can take place with you sitting, lying face up, face down, or on your side.

How Does Manual Osteopathy Help Posture?

When posture is poor, it can affect your neck, back, hips and knees. MOT’s use manual (hands-on) techniques to mobilize your joints and stretch your muscles. This helps to correct your posture in the short term, but they also provide posture correcting exercises and advice for maintaining proper posture in the long term. Caring for your posture can help reduce the intensity of certain body aches and pains connected to poor posture.

How will a Manual Osteopathic Therapist help me?

A Manual Osteopathic Therapist can help you by mobilizing various aspects of your body, including bones, joints, tissues, fascia, fluids, and organs. Their hands-on approach aims to release tight muscles, improve joint mobility, and restore the flow of nerves, blood vessels, lymph, and spinal fluid. By addressing blockages and restrictions, the therapist supports the body’s self-healing abilities. Each treatment is unique, tailored to your specific condition as evaluated by the practitioner. During your one-on-one sessions, the therapist takes the time to understand your reasons for seeking treatment and may provide guidance on lifestyle changes such as ergonomics, diet, and exercise. This comprehensive approach considers you as a whole person.

How will you treat my primary concern?

No two osteopathic treatments are the same. Based on your overall health, energy level, stress, previous injuries and pain, treatment for your current concern may utilize soft tissue therapies from massage, fascial stretch or manipulation, joint mobilization, visceral (organ) work, and/or cranial-sacral techniques. Treatments may occur in a lying or sitting position and are generally comfortable for the patient.

What should I wear for a treatment?

We want you to be comfortable! But we also need to be able to visually assess the body and access certain anatomical structures. Ideally, t-shirts, tank tops, shorts or fitness style pants are best. Jeans and belts are best avoided if you can.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

The number of sessions needed for Manual Osteopathic Therapy varies based on individual factors and the nature of the condition. After a comprehensive assessment, your therapist will discuss your specific treatment needs and help you understand the root causes of your concerns. They will provide guidance on the number of sessions required to achieve your treatment goals. Acute injuries may be resolved in one to three sessions, while chronic conditions may require longer-term care. Maintenance treatments after resolution are common to prevent future issues. Strengthening and stretching exercises may also be recommended for further recovery. The total number of treatments can vary widely depending on the individual and their condition.

What would a typical maintenance care schedule look like?

For maintenance care, we typically recommend 1 visit per week for the first 3-6 weeks after the Initial Assessment & Treatment. As your symptoms improve, the visits will be spaced further apart. It is best to schedule a series of at least 3 appointments spaced 1 week apart to ensure uninterrupted treatment. Once symptoms are resolved or reduced to an acceptable level, some clients schedule “maintenance” visits a few times per year, while others return when they experience new symptoms. Both approaches are acceptable.

Will Treatments Be Painful?

Manual osteopathic treatment is typically gentle and comfortable for patients. If any technique causes pain, the therapist can modify it or adjust your position. Mild discomfort for 1-2 days after treatment is normal as the body integrates changes. However, severe pain or prolonged discomfort is not typical and should be discussed with your practitioner or medical specialist to assess underlying medical issues.

What is Cranial Sacral Therapy?

Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle touch approach that assesses and balances the cranial system, which includes membranes and fluid surrounding the spinal cord and brain. By releasing restrictions in the system, CST improves central system function and promotes healing from trauma and illness. It can treat conditions such as whiplash, neck pain, headaches, herniated discs, sinus problems, TMJ, and more. CST uses soft techniques to evaluate the craniosacral system’s motion and rhythm and works on any restrictions affecting the central nervous system. It can alleviate pain, stress, and improve flexibility and range of motion.

What Conditions Can Craniosacral Therapy Help?

Craniosacral Therapy can help with a wide range of conditions including migraines, chronic pain, stress-related disorders, PTSD, TMJ disorder, scoliosis, central nervous system disorders, orthopedic problems, pre/post-surgery preparation and recovery, fertility issues, depression, anxiety, and many more. It is also beneficial for motor coordination impairments, chronic ear infections, speech disorders, and sensory processing issues.

What is Myofascial Remodelling?

Myofascial Remodeling addresses soft tissue binding caused by trauma or inflammation, which can lead to pain, restricted motion, and other symptoms. By releasing restricted tissues, reducing pain, regulating inflammation, and improving posture, it aims to restore proper function and range of motion while promoting overall health. Clinical considerations include various pain conditions, structural imbalances, joint issues, and benefits for golfers and tennis players.

What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral Manipulation is a gentle manual therapy technique that aims to improve organ function, mobility, and overall health. Practitioners use subtle hand pressure on the abdomen to release tension and restrictions in the visceral tissues. It addresses a range of conditions including digestive disorders, pelvic pain, musculoskeletal issues, and more. The approach takes a holistic view, recognizing the interconnectedness of organs, muscles, and the nervous system. The goal is to restore normal motricity, mobility, and motility for each organ, allowing the body to adapt and heal itself.

What is a Diaphragms release?

A diaphragm release focuses on the release of tension and restrictions in the diaphragms found along the spinal column. These diaphragms play a vital role in the body’s fluid movement and structural integrity. Releasing them can help with various issues such as lower back pain, urogenital issues, respiratory problems, digestive problems, neck and shoulder problems, and more. Prioritizing diaphragm releases before working on the cranium ensures uninterrupted fluid flow throughout the body.

What is fascia?

Fascia is a tensional network that covers and connects every organ, muscle, and nerve in the body. It plays a crucial role in maintaining body systems, providing health, and shaping the muscular body. Fascia can become injured, leading to densification, adhesions, and pain or dysfunction. Myofascial remodeling aims to release restricted tissues, reduce pain and inflammation, improve posture, and restore range of motion. Clinical considerations include various postural issues, pain conditions, joint problems, and benefits for athletes with golfers and tennis elbow.

More Questions?

Contact Precision Spinal Care now to schedule an appointment.


Manual Osteopathic Therapy FAQ’s | (403) 201-1954